Whether you have been a customer with your financial institution for several years or just a few months, you may qualify to take part in their loyalty program. Just like at certain restaurants and retailers you frequent often, banks want to reward your loyalty and for having a full relationship with them, which can include having multiple products, using your debit card a certain amount of times or maintaining a certain balance long-term.
Every institution may offer different rewards and have different requirements for earning them, and your personal banker can help you understand how you can best take advantage of their program, and even more importantly, how you can continue to grow your relationship with the institution and reach the next level of perks. Here’s a general overview of what it looks like to have a full relationship with your bank, why you should, and how Benefits Banking works at Bankers Trust.
Common program requirements and rewards
While the requirements to join a loyalty program vary among financial institutions, most of the time they are offered at no cost to the customer. More often, they are offered based on the number of services and products you have and/or the level of activity on your accounts, such as swiping your debit card a certain number of times, having a direct deposit linked to your account, spending at specific merchants, and more.
The rewards you earn also can vary among financial intuitions, and they often include better interest rates, free checks, waived fees, free ATM use and more.
If these sound like activities you already engage in and your bank offers a program at no cost to their customers, why not take advantage? Whether the loyalty program offered to you helps you save money, or helps you earn more money, this could be a great way to make your money work for you.
Benefits Banking at Bankers Trust
Relationships are the cornerstone of everything we do at Bankers Trust, which is why we offer Benefits Banking to grow our relationships with our customers and reward their loyalty.
The way Benefits Banking works is simple: the aggregated balances, activity, and any additional services of your eligible accounts determine your reward level — Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. As your relationship with Bankers Trust grows and changes, you reach new levels of rewards.
We also believe in building relationships with our customers early on, as early as age 13! With our eVolve Package, we help our young customers transition through educational and financial milestones and offer special perks to fit their stage of life, such as no monthly maintenance fees on checking accounts and an additional consumer account, easy access to online tools and more.
If you’re already a Bankers Trust customer, make sure you are taking advantage of the benefits we offer. Contact me or your banker to learn how to enroll today.